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About US

At Codex, we hold a core belief: While technology itself cannot replace the invaluable role of exceptional educators, it is through their skilled hands that teaching becomes a transformative force. This is our foundation for changing worlds, one student at a time.

Expert Instructors Who Lead with Patience

Our educators are not just knowledgeable; they are compassionate guides on every student's journey, ensuring a supportive learning environment.

Creative Thinking Through Real Projects

We prioritize creativity and practical application, challenging students with projects that demand innovative solutions and real-world application.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Children can start learning programming and coding as early as elementary school age, typically around 7 or 8 years old. However, there are resources and programs available for children of various age groups, including preschoolers. It's never too early to introduce them to the basics of computational thinking and coding concepts in a fun and age-appropriate manner.
No prior experience is required for kids to start learning programming and coding. Codex Academy often caters to beginners and provide a curriculum designed to introduce coding concepts from scratch. They offer a supportive learning environment where children can learn at their own pace and gradually build their coding skills.
Codex Academy typically focuses on teaching block-based programming languages, such as Scratch or Blockly, which use visual blocks of code that can be dragged and dropped. These languages are beginner-friendly and help children grasp programming concepts without the complexity of syntax. As students progress, they may also be introduced to text-based languages like Python or JavaScript.
Learning programming and coding provides numerous benefits for children. It enhances their problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and logical reasoning. It fosters creativity, as coding allows kids to bring their ideas to life through interactive projects. It also promotes computational thinking, which is a valuable skill in various disciplines and careers, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
While having access to a computer or laptop is beneficial, it is not always a requirement to get started with coding. We offer online platforms or apps that can be accessed on tablets or even smartphones. Additionally, some coding activities can be done offline using coding cards, coding games, or unplugged coding activities that teach the foundational concepts without the need for a computer.
Codex Academy prioritizes the safety of children by implementing various measures. They use secure online platforms with strict privacy policies and age-appropriate content. Student interactions are closely monitored, and instructors or moderators are present to ensure a safe and positive learning environment. Additionally, Codex Academy educates students about online safety, responsible internet use, and the importance of digital citizenship.
Codex Academy understands that every child learns at their own pace. They provide support mechanisms such as live virtual classes, and online forums where students can ask questions and seek help from instructors. The curriculum is often designed to gradually build skills, and instructors offer guidance and encouragement to help students overcome challenges.
Codex Academy organizes showcases or exhibitions where students can present their coding projects to parents, and instructors, Additionally, coding competitions provide students with opportunities to apply their skills in a competitive environment and gain recognition for their achievements.
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